Supporting the Seabrook Association’s Scholarship Fund and Shriners Hospitals  for Children

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Payouts and Trophies

Heaviest Individual 
Red Fish 

Heaviest Individual Speckled Trout 

Heaviest Team Stringer
 (3 Trout, 1 legal slot Red)

1st            2nd          3rd 

1st            2nd          3rd 

1st            2nd          3rd 

$500         $300      $200 

$500        $300       $200 

$1000        $700      $500 

(Optional Additional Side Pots) 

Individual Heaviest Flounder Pot ($10/person) 
80% payback 

(20% Charity earmarked for Clear Creek ISD scholarships, Shriners Hospitals for Children and other local organizations

Texas Team Slam Pot ($50/team) 
80% payback

(20% Charity earmarked for Clear Creek ISD scholarships, Shriners Hospitals for Children and other local organizations

In addition to the awards, registrants 
may enjoy a lunch and refreshments   

Early registration ends Wednesday, Sept. 11th 
Entry Fee after Sept. 11th is $110. 
Registration ends at noon on 
Thursday, Sept. 26th, NO EXCEPTIONS.  

Tournament will be on 
SATURDAY, September 28th
 (No Captain’s meeting, just show 
up to weigh-in with fish in hand 
NO LATER than 3 p.m.)